1. Pojaman Shinawatra’s (his wife) takes a fancy to a bit of land up for auction on Moss Side. Thaksin not wanting to let the little lady down uses his influence to have the council change the conditions for potential buyers a couple of days before the proposed sale forcing out all the competition.
After that he gets cancelled all holidays for council employees over New Years so that the real estate deal can be processed, coincidentally avoiding the land being reassessed for a higher and more realistic market rate
2. Thaksin decides to beef up security at the stadium and decides to buy a new baggage handling system for the stadium. Orders 26 CTX 9000s to handle the expected volume of bags even though Paris Charles De Gaulle has less than half that number. The US describes this as a "perfect case study in backhanders for government officials"
3. Thaksin sets up a two-and-three digit lottery scheme to help the local community in Moss Side because he is such a giving person. This becomes an instant success with the poor who feel good about helping others whilst also having a chance to improve their lives.
On closer inspection it turns out there wasn't a proper accounting or auditing system in place and no-one knows exactly how much money was taken or where it actually went or how it was used.
4. Forgetting he is no longer an international statesman Thaksin decides to improve Man City's relations with Myanmar (Burma to you and me) and sets up a loan to Burma.
Burma borrows £70million from Man City's accounts so that the jolly generals can purchase some Man City shirts that are being flogged by a company owned by our erstwhile ex-politico.
5. In the effort to gentrify Moss Side for the expectant celebs and glitterati that will soon be descending on City. Thaksin sets up a sapling purchase scheme with the local council to "green up" Moss Side this scheme will produce 90 million saplings over three years.
Irregularities start coming to light when residents complain about the poor quality of the trees. The £200million project is also marred by delays as 16 million trees are yet to be delivered.
6. Thaksin establishes a housing scheme for the poor in Manchester. Uses another £200 million of Man City's money to build housing for the poor on greenfield sites.
Only problem is they are shoddily built, some don't even get connected up to utilities, and are in the middle of nowhere far from any built up areas or jobs.
7. Thaksin decides that Manchester airport is too small and decides to use Man City's money to build a new airport on some marsh land. Furthermore he decides to build a new city around this area as he believes living under a flight path would be such a pleasant living environment.
Despite protests he convinces the local council to finance the plan. The council starts to look into purchasing the land and discovers that all of the land is owned by Thaksin's wife and his associates
8. Thaksin decides to do something about the drug problem on Moss Side and convinces the local police to have a shoot to kill policy on drug dealers. This results in the death of 2000 Man City fans most of the victims if not innocent are low level street dealers.
After Thaksin proclaims the success of the scheme, drugs soon start reappearing on the streets only this time sold by little Asian lookng blokes.
9. Thaksin commenting on an away match abroad that went a bit wrong after the deaths of 78 Man City fans, after police rounded them up and tied their hands behind their backs before heaping them on top of each other into the back of trucks in 40 degrees heat.
After the majority of the City fans had been found to have died from suffocation or heat related reasons, Thaksin commented that was it was their own fault as they had been on a bender and hadn't eaten properly for the last two week and so they were probably already weaker than they should have been and so were responsible for their own deaths.
10. Thaksin puts his son Phantongtae in charge of the club, nuff said.
11. Thaksin and Man Utd need I say more?

US State Dept and CIA describe this as a "perfect scam" no paper trail, no responsibility, no charges..
Where did you get this comments?
That comment was a bit of artistic license. I have changed it to a more accurate description of the whole affair being a perfect case study into corruption.
The quote was an off the record remark from a US State Dept employee and came from a news paper round about the time the US Justice Dept was investigating GE apart from that cannot recall dates, or publication.
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